Pain Management
Pain Management addresses issues of chronic pain. WorkSafe and TAC both offer psychological treatment for those suffering with persistent pain from a work-related accident or a motor vehicle accident.
With ongoing pain, people’s lives are affected beyond just the physical realm. Pain management addresses these psychological issues along with strategies to manage pain. It also addresses the mental health issues of depression and anxiety that are frequently secondary to the initial physical injury.
Pain management addresses:
A decrease in activity levels and flare-ups of pain
Sleep hygiene and lack of sleep
Low motivation and poor moods
Social isolation and intimacy issues
Understanding stress and learning relaxation strategies
Maladaptive coping mechanisms (eg drinking/smoking/cannabis, etc)
Most importantly making the necessary adjustment to successfully cope with chronic pain
To be able to Return To Work is the primary goal, whether it is in your original job with your employer, or re-training and finding a new position.